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10 Startups That Are Thriving Amidst The Chaos

Writer's picture: Elaine ThompsonElaine Thompson

Were you excited about 2020? Did you anticipate the downward spiral many were faced with this year as a result of the global pandemic? As we wade through the chaos of long lines, face masks, social distancing, and—most importantly—unemployment, I firmly believe that all of us can truly agree on one thing: we were all unprepared for this! So, what are we to do when pushed overboard without a life vest? The blatant truth is “sink or swim.”

There are some entrepreneurs that are actually thriving during this time. Sure, business is booming for Netflix, Amazon, and GrubHub. But, there are individuals who have decided to search out opportunities amidst the waves of turmoil. These individuals have refused to wait on government handouts and assistance. Instead, these trailblazers decided to fight to keep their heads above water, creating their own dawn of hope; and at the end of the day, they have become champion swimmers. You, too, can rise above the challenge of unemployment by seeking out opportunities, creating a killer strategy, and unleashing your full potential into the world. Here are ten startups that are thriving during this time.

Social Media Management

Small businesses and large corporations have been forced out of the brick-and-mortar empire and into the virtual kingdom. This is a huge opportunity for many who have mastered the various skills associated with social media over the years. Social media management specialists are able to capitalize on their skills of updating posts, running ads, achieving presence, attaining followers, and dynamic content creation. Most of us have a social media platform. Think about it. Could you manage another company’s social media page? This simple yet important service made those who answered the call of opportunity thousands of dollars during the pandemic.

Affiliate Marketing

Did it ever cross your mind that the fifty thousand people who follow you on Instagram and other social media platforms could be your ticket to thousands of dollars in marketing revenue? Small businesses, large corporations, and entrepreneurs are willing to pay to have their products and services displayed on your social media pages. The floor-to-ceiling glass display windows of brick-and-mortar stores have been replaced with virtual posts via Instagram, Facebook, and more. Some individuals charge between $250 and $10,000 for product display. You should charge the amount that reflects the value and results you bring, depending on the number of followers you have, your niche, and any celebrity status.

Delivery Service

No one could forget the long lines that went on for hours because of emergency orders and lockdowns. Food stores, pharmacies, and other essential supply stores experienced the headache of having to organize time-consuming lines while establishing and maintaining social distancing mandates. Numerous delivery services seized the moment and roared into motion. For many, the delivery of food, groceries, and other essentials became a great way to build a brand, make money, and employ others. Their broad vision and ability to seek opportunity amidst their crisis offered the stability and comfort of a job for many others. Consider this option if you are seeking work.

Website Development

The virtual kingdom many have come to embrace contains a few “must-have” essentials. One “must-have” is a website. A website presents a product or service to potential clients in an attractive way. It also is the medium through which entrepreneurs get paid for their products or services. Most website developers’ schedules were crammed with business during the pandemic. The demand for website development has increased drastically. Developing a website that is exceptional, dynamic, and attractive is important because it acts as a portal between a product or service and potential clients. If you know how to develop websites, this is the perfect opportunity for you to make some extra cash!

Virtual Assistants

Tons of companies need administrative assistance with email management, customer service, scheduling appointments, phone calls, bookkeeping, research, and database entries. Lots of companies and entrepreneurs need virtual assistance in order to stay afloat. Outsourcing these tasks to a virtual assistant can save them time and money, in return, allowing the entrepreneur to focus on other demanding issues. This may be the perfect opportunity for you if you are organized, determined, and pay great attention to detail!

Virtual Gym Instructors

For several months, the pandemic forced everyone far and wide out of gyms and into their homes. However, the popular workout trend did not die. Gym instructors turned on the cameras and dived into energetic routines via Zoom, Skype, and JetWebinars. Working out from the comfort of one’s home is actually pretty convenient. This eliminates the long drive to the gym every morning. Sounds refreshing, right? Also, snacks became more popular during quarantine, and many did not want to gain the extra pounds that came along with the curse of being inside so often. If you are great at working out, hosting a virtual workout session could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Virtual Cooking Classes

Some restaurants experienced a decrease in sales because of the inability of patrons to socially distance within their space. Also, with a deadly disease raging outside, lots of people preferred to prepare their own meals as an extra precautionary measure. Due to this, these eateries got creative and gave virtual classes through services like Zoom, Skype, and JetWebinar. Many individuals are happy to learn a new skill, especially when there is so much free time available. Do you know how to throw down in the kitchen? Maybe you’re great at preparing healthy vegan meals, or maybe you’re unchallenged when preparing desserts. If cooking is your area of expertise, consider turning on your camera and giving a short cooking class.

“Done For You” Companies

Despite being in the midst of a pandemic, for a lot of individuals, there is still plenty to do. However, the long lines of people trying to remain six feet apart terrified many. Numerous “Done For You” entrepreneurs saw this as their rainbow at the end of the perfect storm. From paying bills to picking up medication, these DFY companies saw the opportunity to make extra bucks by doing what terrified most of the rest of the population. Some did not even have to wait in lines—some businesses created partnerships with the companies they visited and received especially fast, special, and efficient service due to their brand affiliation. This is an easy option for extra cash, especially if you have your own vehicle. Remember to wear your mask and stay safe!

Content Creators

YouTubers experienced a spike in engagement and their number of followers during the quarantine. Growing a YouTube channel can be beneficial in the long run. Factors that determine the amount that a YouTuber gets paid depend on the amount of views and likes they receive for their content. This process can be long and drawn out. However, with adequate research and training, many have grown their YouTube channels quite rapidly over time. Putting a strategy in place to grow your YouTube channel can be valuable to you, especially if you don't have a current income stream.

Course Creators

Course creation became quite popular during quarantine. The extra free time gave countless people the opportunity to train, sharpen their skills, and learn a new talent. Creating a course is easy. Platforms like Thinkific, Teachable, and Udemy has made it easy for you to upload your course videos and present them to clients who are hungry for the knowledge that you have. Your course topic does not have to be trendy or popular—it can be anything, really. Maybe you know how to style certain hair types. Maybe you are great at organizing and want to help others organize their space. Maybe you know how to farm vegetables and raise chickens. Many of us actually hold a ton of information that others are willing to pay top dollar for. You will do just fine, as long as your course gives value and ensures true and genuine results. Think about a skill or area of knowledge you have that can help others, and consider sharing it.

In conclusion, the global pandemic did not only bring unemployment, distress, and fear—it also brought opportunity. The opportunity arose for many entrepreneurs to take charge and leap into action. Because of this, jobs were created for many others as well. You don’t have to be unemployed during this time. Seek out opportunity and act on it! Be strategic, measured, and intentional. Don't give up when life pushes you overboard—fight to keep your head above water, and become a champion!

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